Seether – Country Song

Seether has recently released a unique new song, eloquently titled “Country Song.” As expected from the title, this song features a slight country twang that I wouldn’t associate at all with this band from South Africa. However, it’s not nearly as off-putting as it may seem. The country is kept to a minimum. Seether isn’t making a crossover to CMT anytime soon, and they’re still rocking out.

This could be a good or a band thing. I was a huge fan of their hard rock singles like “Remedy” and their fantastic reimaging of “Careless Whisper.” However, I must admit to hating their overplayed grunge pop soundalikes like “Rise Above This” and “Fake It.” This new song could go either way with me.

So whats the verdict on “Country Song?” Let’s review it, shall we?

The Good;

  • The song isn’t very heavy on the Country sound. Rather than being the main dish, the Country twang is used as a fine seasoning to really give the song a unique flavor.
  • Shaun’s voice works well with the new sound. A low growl in the verses provides some creepy, southern flavor, while his voice in the chorus goes back to the grunge fueled belting of “Remedy.”
  • The song is well paced. During the verses, the Country vibe shines between the plucking guitars and low bass. However, once the chorus hits, the grunge comes out. It’s a mixture that works surprisingly well.
  • The chorus is surprisingly catchy. Full of sudden bouts of “Hey!” and “Woah!,” it’s going to be a crowd pleaser for sure.

The Bad;

  • Despite being called “Country Song,” this song is in no way Country. Sure, it has a small amount of country inspired guitar riffs, and there may even be a banjo in there somewhere, but calling this “country” is a bit of a stretch, so I don’t really get the title.
  • Long time fans of Seether may not appreciate the results of their Nashville experiment. Its definitely not the old Seether, and some may not like the change.
  • The lyrics are a little…odd. Hell, in some parts, I can’t even tell what they’re saying. Like…is it even English? Eh, they aren’t awful, but they could have been a little better.

The Verdict; 3/5
I hate hearing the same old. Seether’s “Country Song” is a nice bit of experimental Country-Grunge, and while leaves something to be desired, it’s definitely refreshing. With a catchy chorus, and country-fried verses, it’s a unique track that’s worth listening to.

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